Symposium “Communicating science to the young – Future networks”. 31 January – 2nd February 2008. Vienna, Austria.

Why communicating science to the young ?

Making science more accessible and understandable for the general public has become in important goal in Europe in recent years. Numerous approaches have been pursued to promote young people’s interest in science and to bring about a change in children’s and young people’s perception of careers in science.

However, current research clearly reveals a persistent lack of appropriate perceptions of science and research. Scientific subjects are still deemed to be too difficult and not sufficiently appealing – and this is notably true from a gender specific point of view.

How can we deal with it ?

The ECFUN-Consortium (European Children’s Future University Network) invites you to discuss this topic related to practice.

What are the challenges encountered in practice ? How can succesful methods and approaches be adapted and taken up ? How can effects be broadened ? What are effecitve and practical ways to improve science communication ? How to enhance scientific attitude among children and young people ? Is co-operation and networking a suitable means of bridging the gap between specific approaches ?

This issues will be in the focus of “Communicating science to the young – Future networks”. The symposium will take place form Jan 31st – Feb. 2nd 2008 at the University of Vienna, Austria.

Please visit the following website for further information on the programme and to register for the symposium : ?id=symposium2008

Who should attend ?

The most important component of a symposium is the people who attend – an this will particularly be true during “Communicating science to the young – Future networks”. We want to bring together professionals and non-professionals in the field of science communication geared towards children. Scientists, educators, journalists, media producers, policy makers, science center professionals, business leaders, science philosophers – people who have never had a chance to meet.

We want them to get to know each other and we want them to talk !

Abundant room for discussion, exchange and active participation will be given in workshops and “Open Spaces”. The symposium’s three days are intended for fostering the dialoge between various types of organisations and stimulating innovative forms of co-operation and communication. For sharing ideas and information, there will be opportunities throughout the symposium to gather in small groups – over coffee in our “Smart cafe”, “Mini-poster session”, the “Science playground” and more.