ECREA’s 2nd European Communication Conference. 26-28 November, 2008. Barcelona, Spain.

ECREA organizes his second conference in Barcelona with the support of the Communication Sciences Faculty at the UAB and the Communication Institute (InCom-UAB).

The conference will take place at the Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB), on the 26th, 27th and 28th of November 2008.

The broad theme of this major international congress, Communication policies and culture in Europe, refers to the confluence that can be established between the media and the different interpretations of culture in Europe nowadays. This confluence refers to the globalization effects on a diversity of spaces (multinational, national, local) with all its political implications. It moreover refers to the different mediations and interactions that configure the current European society with respect to migrations, new forms of political participation, the dialectics of identity and diversity, new cultural consumptions, etc. The broad title aims to emphasize the importance of politics and culture, but also refers to new ways of regulation and de-regulation, the technology and the management of convergence within the cultural industries the new public service remit, and the variety of communication policies that aim to guarantee cultural diversity and development in Europe.

You’ll find more details about the event in the website : []

The CALL FOR PAPERS opens 1st December 2007 and the deadline for submission of Proposals is Friday 15th February 2008. [ ?id_seccio=7]