Science and Environment Communication Section – ECREA Conference

ECREA’s 3rd EUROPEAN COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE Conference Theme : ’Transcultural Communication — Intercultural Comparisons’.

Hamburg, Germany, 12-15 October 2010

The 21st century faces unprecedented challenges in the environment and science fields. The Science and Environment Communication section seeks to foster a strong network of research in the wide area of science and environment communication. Science is understood here in broad terms as research that has its roots in the social sciences, humanities or natural sciences, including technology. Environment is also understood broadly as both the natural and the built milieu. Examples of topic areas that can be addressed include – but are far from restricted to – the following : 
— Media representations of science and the environment 
— Political and commercial discourse on the environment 
— Communication, democracy and scientific/environmental governance 
— Public engagement with science and the environment 
— The dialogic, interactive communication of research-based knowledge 
— The discourse and politics of environmental activism